Rite Aid W2 Form (2025)

1. RiteAid Pharmacy - theHUB

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2. Tax Form Management

  • Tax Form Management. Get access to your tax forms: W-2 and 1095-C. Employer Name/Code Remember my Employer Name/Code on this computer Login Find employer name.

  • Tax Form Management

3. Rite Aid Portal

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4. Contact Us | Rite Aid

5. Login | Rite Aid Employees - Salesforce

  • Rite Aid Employees Customer Secure Login Page. Login to your Rite Aid Employees Customer Account.

6. Rite Aid: W-2 statement? - Student Doctor Network

  • Mar 12, 2009 · I used to work for Rite Aid but I have yet received my W-2 statement. Has anybody received her/his W-2 from Rite Aid? Please help!

  • I used to work for Rite Aid but I have yet received my W-2 statement. Has anybody received her/his W-2 from Rite Aid? Please help!

7. Got Your W-2? - UFCW Local 135

  • Feb 5, 2024 · RITE AID W-2 Forms are online through Workday. If you have questions, email the Payroll Tax Department at taxw2rq@riteaid.com. STATER BROS

  • With tax season upon us, we anticipate many members are wondering how to get a copy of their W-2. Below is a list of some of our bargaining units and […]

8. Sign in - Rite Aid

9. Digital Forms - Rite Aid

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  • Digital Forms

10. How to Access Rite Aid Pay Stubs?

  • Dec 2, 2023 · Rite Aid pay stubs are digital documents that employees can access online through the Rite Aid Employee Portal. ... W2 Form. W-2 Form 2024 · W-2 ...

  • Access your Rite Aid pay stubs with ease. Follow simple steps for secure online retrieval of your payroll information through the Rite Aid employee portal.

11. Corporate - Rite Aid

  • Rite Aid Pharmacy corporate information; contact, investor relations, governance, news room, corporate social responsibility, corporate locations, ...

  • Corporate

12. Request Records - Rite Aid

  • Prescription & Immunization History. It's fast and simple to request prescription and immunization records online. Customer Request Form. Third Party ...

  • Request Records

13. Forms/Documents - Rite Aid EDI/B2B Trade Services

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14. Tax Form Management Login

  • EMPLOYER NAME/CODE ... Equifax and the Equifax marks used herein are trademarks of Equifax inc. Other product and company names mentioned herein are the property ...

  • Remember my Employer Name or Code

15. How Can Rite Aid Employees Access Their Pay Stubs Online?

  • In addition to pay stub information, users can also view their W2 information through these sites. Employees should report any problems accessing information or ...

  • Rite Aid employees can access their pay stubs online through the company-recommended websites. Two specific recommended website addresses for Rite Aid employees, as of 2013, are rnation.riteaid.com and paperlesspay.talx.com/riteaid, according to Pay Stubs Online. To access either of these sites, employees need to provide specific information.

Rite Aid W2 Form (2025)


How do I get my W-2 from Rite Aid? ›

» Retrieve your current or past W-2 by selecting the checkbox for the W-2 you wish to download, view, postal mail or fax. W-2 Forms are online through Workday. If you have questions, email the Payroll Tax Department at taxw2rq@riteaid.com.

How should I fill out my W-2 form? ›

  1. Box a—Employer's name, address, and ZIP code.
  2. Box b—Employer identification number (EIN).
  3. Box c—Tax year/Form corrected.
  4. Box d—Employee's correct SSN.
  5. Box e—Corrected SSN and/or name.
  6. Box f—Employee's previously reported SSN.
  7. Box g—Employee's previously reported name.

Did I make enough to get a W-2? ›

Who gets a W-2? Your employer will issue you a W-2 if you've earned $600 or more in wages within the last year. If you withheld income (no matter the amount) for Social Security, Medicare, or state and federal taxes, you will also receive a W-2.

What can you expect to receive the W-2 form? ›

IRS Form W-2, also known as a “Wage and Tax Statement,” reports an employee's income from the prior year and how much tax the employer withheld. Employers send out W-2s to employees in January. A copy also goes to the IRS. You should receive a W-2 from every employer that paid you at least $600 during the year.

Can you find your W-2 form online? ›

In the event you lose your Form W–2, or require a duplicate copy you can download a copy from Cal Employee Connect under the "W-2" tab. You also can request one from the State Controller's Office.

How do I get past W-2 forms? ›

If you lost your W-2, contact your employer to get a duplicate prior-year W-2 or look on your employer's website for a digital copy of a lost W-2.

Is it better to claim 1 or 0? ›

By placing a “0” on line 5, you are indicating that you want the most amount of tax taken out of your pay each pay period. If you wish to claim 1 for yourself instead, then less tax is taken out of your pay each pay period.

Should I claim 1 or 2 on my W-2? ›

You'll most likely get a tax refund if you claim no allowances or 1 allowance. If you want to get close to withholding your exact tax obligation, claim 2 allowances for yourself and an allowance for however many dependents you have (so claim 3 allowances if you have one dependent).

Do you fill out the W-2 yourself? ›

The W-2 is one of the most important tax forms. Unlike many other tax forms, most individual taxpayers won't need to fill this one out themselves. Rather, employers fill out W-2 forms for their employees.

Will I get a W-2 if I earned less than $600? ›

A copy of this same report is sent for each employee/worker by the employer via the W-3 Form to the IRS by January 31 as well. In addition, Copy A of the W-2 is submitted by the employer to the Social Security Administration. An employee/worker receives a W-2 if at least $600 was paid during a year.

What is the minimum income to issue a W-2? ›

An employer must issue you a Form W-2 if you were paid at least $600 in cash or cash equivalent during the year, including taxable benefits. It doesn't matter how many hours you worked, or how long you were employed.

Do you have to claim a W-2 under $1000? ›

Every W-2 that you received must be reported on your tax return, even if they are for small amounts. Remember that each one of those W-2's has your Social Security number on it, and that income was reported to the IRS by the employer. You do not want to get in trouble with the IRS for under-reporting your income.

How do I know if my W-2 is correct? ›

There are three easy steps to make sure your W-2 is correct:
  1. Check the spelling of your name. No nicknames here — you'll want to ensure your full name is spelled out.
  2. Verify that your social security number is listed correctly.
  3. Double-check that your taxable wages are correct.
Jan 26, 2021

Does my W-2 tell me how much I get back? ›

Box 2 on our W2 is the amount of tax withheld from your wages. However, this does not tell you how much you will get back. On your form 1040, you will see your refund on line 34. If you owe, the amount will be on line 37.

Who should not receive a W-2 form? ›

Here's who doesn't receive a W-2 form. If you work for yourself as a freelancer, independent contractor, or gig worker, you may receive a Form 1099-NEC from your clients. Read about the difference between W-2 and 1099 forms.

Where can I get another copy of my W-2? ›

If you e-filed your tax return or you didn't attach your Form W-2 to your paper return, then use one of the transcript options above. Otherwise, you'll need to contact your employer or SSA for a copy. The quickest way to obtain a copy of your current year Form W-2 is through your employer.

How do I get my W-2 from Walmart if I no longer work there? ›

If you are no longer employed at Walmart, you can request a copy of your W2 from the company's payroll department. You will need to provide your name, Social Security number, and date of birth. The payroll department can be reached by calling 1-800-WALMART.

How do I contact Rite Aid corporate? ›

Why won't Rite Aid let me log in? ›

For security purposes, an account is locked after multiple sign in attempts. Please wait at least 30 minutes and then try again. Or submit a Rite Aid Account Help request from riteaid.com/help and we will get back to you as soon as possible.


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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.